Heating Your In-Ground Swimming Pool with Gas
By Ray Clary
Cold weather usually means end of pool season, but you can swim all year long if you heat your pool. There are several different types of swimming pool heaters; natural gas, propane, electric, solar. The most efficient and effective type in our climate is natural gas or propane. Electric heaters or heat pumps have a hard time heating a full pool once the air and water temperature get down below 60.
Gas heaters, on the other hand, can handle the task. You can heat your pool in 12 to 18 hours, depending on the water temp. The cost you will incur for the fuel should run in the $50 range for a weekend. It is also a good idea to use a solar cover when you're keeping the pool warm. A heater itself will run you in the $3,000 range.
Solar is just not a feasible way to heat a pool in our climate. They are very popular in Florida, New Mexico, Arizona and other typically warm states, but not in Louisiana.
About the Author
 | Ray Clary, Dolphin Pools 2505 Cypress Street West Monroe, LA 71291 318-372-2669
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